on: Chain Mailing and the if you send this to x number of people y will happen As an internet instructor I feel incensed to inform everyone of this. Not only can these messages be annoying they are fertile ground for spammers I only copied off the first couple of messages and look at the number of people that I am mailing! Also, I noticed that there are allot of AOL users doing this I think that it is great that you all are on the net and are using it but,. this kind of mail is why "oldies" (pre 1994 users ) on the net hate AOL. I should say that I started out on AOL and found it enjoyable It provided me the information that I used to star out much like you may be doing. :) Don't feel like you are the only one to ever do this or that you are dumb or some thing a very kind person did this same thing for me years ago. Don't mass mail this message around to every one you know. I don't want to be responsible for creating another one of these chain e-mail things. Sooooo If you feel need to mail these chain email messages this is what you should do 1. Delete the header portion of the email that way only your friends and loved ones that you send it to will have the potential be SPAMMED. Just in case you don't know what Spam and Spamming are here is a brief definition. a. This message would be considered spam (Sorry :( ) b. Any unsolicited email that you receive that is mass mailed is spam c. Spammers collect email addresses (much like the ones that appear in the header of email messages) and direct market, to the recipients. 2. Check it out If it is a hoax it would probably be listed on the net try or 3. In the immortal word of Nancy Reagan JUST SAY NO and delete the message . OR better yet send the person to if they have a browser if not send a copy of this message. I will put this text on the web at